Climate change warning: Killer winter storms for next THIRTY years
KILLER freezes, floods and heatwaves will devastate Britain during the next 30 years, climate experts have warned.
EXTREME: Experts issued an official warning regarding freak weather patterns [NORTH NEWS]
“EASAC feels obliged to draw attention to the growing impact of extreme weather in Europe”
Sir Brian Heap, president of the European Academies Science Advisory Council
Many people could die as extreme weather becomes common.
There will be more freak winds like the October storm, which killed four people.
Heatwaves will be lethal and the sea level will rise, leaving coastal towns at risk of being swamped by storm surges.
Sir Brian Heap, president of the European Academies Science Advisory Council, said he felt “obliged” to issue the warning after a new study by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
It comes on the back of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, which has killed more than 5,000 people.
LETHAL: Sea storms and colossal waves will batter towns and villages [ALAMY]
Sir Brian said: “Given the tragic events this year in the rest of the world and the recent IPCC report, EASAC feels obliged to draw attention to the growing impact of extreme weather in Europe.”
The continent’s leading experts had made a detailed study of likely extreme weather, he said.
Sir Brian warned: “From the major loss of lives in heatwaves to the economic and human costs of floods and storms, the implications are worrying.
“They present the European Union and Member States with significant challenges in preparing Europe for a future with greater frequency of extreme weather.”
DISASTER: After the typhoon struck the Philippines Sir Brian felt it necessary to issue the warning [EPA]
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