Low-carb diet burns the most calories in small study

Low-carb diet burns the most calories in small study  

shaeds of Robert Atkins, the controversial diet that eventually was proved OK after Dr. Atkins slipped on ice and died of a concussion. At the time of his death, Atkins was grossing $100 million a years from his publications.

Atkins believed that:  in his dieting approach, Atkins suggests that the "carbohydrate is the bad guy," and through extensive research, he claimed that it caused the body to overproduce the hormone insulin, a condition called hyperinsulinism,[9] which metabolizes blood glucose and thus makes people feel hungry.

A new diet rage is the Dr. Dukan Diet - same idea as Atkins but easier to understand implement

I have read more than 40 books on nutrition and dieting and actually wrote a book: the diet book of diets based on all my notes. Never got around to publishing it.

I was recently diagnosed with an easting disorder call "NEF" Night Eating Synrome, now being studied at U of Penn. It is a mental disorder.

my favorite diets, not necessaryily in order: weight watchers (20 lbs); jenny craig (35 lbs); the Zone Diet (55 lbs); the Atkins Diet (35 lbs); the Brophy Diet (one step forward; two steps backwards).

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Brophy | Tuesday 26 June 2012 - 10:43 pm | | Brophy Blog | No comments


Andre Rieu will bring tears to your eyes with this rendition. notice his violin blends so smoothly with the pipes; i find it difficult at times distinguishing between a well tuned violin and well tuned pipes, in the hands of virtuoso performers. the harmonics are very similar. note the penny whistle rendtion of amazing grace; the best i have heard since Galway.

Brophy | Monday 25 June 2012 - 7:59 pm | | Brophy Blog | No comments
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Dear Mrs. Ms. Or Sir:

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Brophy | Monday 25 June 2012 - 6:08 pm | | Brophy Blog | No comments

THE SUPREMES - on federal power

work in progress

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Brophy | Monday 25 June 2012 - 02:14 am | | Brophy Blog | No comments

governed by inferiors

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors."  Plato

Obama proposed to cut $100 million out of a $3.5 thrillion budget;  equivalent to cutting 6 cents out of a persons $25,000 butdget.

Tom says to Joe, This is all silly nonsense. Slowly, ever so slowly, the veil is beginning to be lifted on what has really gone in the Bubba and Dubya administrations. Contrary to the media which believes that things were fairly good financially for the country under Bubba and Dubya but fell apart at the very end of Dubya’s administration, actually the seeds of financial destruction were sown during Bubba’s and Dubya’s administrations, but no one ever thought they would lead to the financial destruction that occurred prior to Dubya getting out of office. Timing is everything and this pair of flaming Assholes completely miscalculated on the timing. They along with mealy-mouthed Greenspan thought it would take more years for the bubble to expand before it blew up. What they really miscalculated was the greed of the Wall Street Bankers and Brokers. They thought with all those advanced math theoreticians and their wonderful mist blowing algorithms that the bubble would certainly not prematurely blow up in their faces. It seems everyone just plum screwed up in timing the fuse. It turned out to be much, much shorter than any of them expected. It really doesn’t matter because thanks to the Wall Street Bankers and their paid lackeys in Congress, the average US citizen and his children and grandchildren would bear the loses for years while the Wall Street Bankers and their paid lackeys in Congress continue to stuff themselves at the expense of the public purse while the average US citizen suffers with wage stagnation, job loss, food stamps and handouts. This collection of scumbags has essentially drained the American Dream of being a land of opportunity to being nothing more than a run of the mill Medieval Kingdom run by a crippled king and a bunch of knaves. It was good for a lot of folks while it lasted, but the Jamie Dimons, Alan Greesspans, Bubbas and Dubyas of this country have basically emaculated it financially. If poor Everett Dirksen could only see how his statement, “A few billion here, a few billion there and soon we will be talking about some real money.”, has played out-he would spin in his grave. Long, long before Pelosi’s bailout programs, Mr. Paulson & Mr. Bush were already in panic mode because their friends on Wall Street and in the Federal Reserve were frothing from the looming financial losses they were facing. Some of the moronic bankers did not even realize the extent of the problem. Mr. Paulson had to call them all to a meeting and cram billions of dollars down their throats to help save their banks because the bankers did not have a clue about the size of the looming economic collapse. Everyone says it was exacerbated because they let Lehman Bros go down the tubes. In reality they should have let all of them go down the tubes including the biggest offender of all, AIG. It certainly was not the fault of the Regulators because the whole derivatives market including the illegal SWAPS were kept away from the Regulators by saying the SWAPS were not Insurance Products when in reality that is exactly what they were. Yes, it would have been much harder to let them all go down the tubes. Yes, it would have been another Depression, but at least the Bankruptcy Laws could have done what they were designed to do, clean out the garbage from the all the balance sheets. Sell all those overvalued assets at fire sale prices, but at least we would be well on our way to a far more robust recovery. Oh, and Yes, there would have been a great many bodies strewn on Wall Street as a result of all the pin-striped crooks who would have been jumping out of the windows. Then again, that is why the City of New York has a Department of Sanitation – to clean up the garbage that accumulates in the streets. Sorry, Joe, the panic was far along before Pelosi pushed through her ill-designed stimulus programs. Tom
Joe says to Tom
Five points

1. You are missing Plato’s point
2. The regulators (inferior overpaid bureaucrats) didn’t regulate
3. The rating agencies didn’t price the subprime appropriately to reflect underlying risk. Actuaries have been writing derivatives for 200 years. Most insurance, annuity and insured pension products are derivatives. I am an professional expert on derivatives.
4. AIG circumvented the NY State Insurance Commission by working through downstream insurance companies out of the country (in England). AIG executives should have been prosecuted with life sentences.
5. I was fully invested in the market in a big way. Kudlow and others talked nightly about the risks of subprime. All agreed that Paulson had a good plan. Actually many had helped shape the Paulson plan.
6. Madame Pelosi rejected it in favor of big bailouts and spending. And here we are 5 trillion dollars later; not better than we were 6 years ago.
7. The numbers clearly, unequivocally, and ever more clearly show that the financial destruction and panic and knee jerk bank reactions (required by law and precedent) occurred when madame Pelosi rejected Paulson, and began implementing her big government bailout programs.
8. And regardless who is the blame, Obama cannot create jobs. The 8% unemployment number is a fudged number. According to recent Bureau of Labor Statistics, 100 million had jobs when Obama took office. Now only 70 million have jobs. The real unemployment numbers are more like 35% which I have been saying for a long time. All the other arguments are cheap talk by inferior bureaucrats. joe **************************

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Brophy | Saturday 23 June 2012 - 9:07 pm | | Brophy Blog | No comments
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governed by inferiors

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors."  Plato

Obama proposed to cut $100 million out of a $3.5 thrillion budget;  equivalent to cutting 6 cents out of a persons $25,000 butdget.

Tom says to Joe, This is all silly nonsense. Slowly, ever so slowly, the veil is beginning to be lifted on what has really gone in the Bubba and Dubya administrations. Contrary to the media which believes that things were fairly good financially for the country under Bubba and Dubya but fell apart at the very end of Dubya’s administration, actually the seeds of financial destruction were sown during Bubba’s and Dubya’s administrations, but no one ever thought they would lead to the financial destruction that occurred prior to Dubya getting out of office. Timing is everything and this pair of flaming Assholes completely miscalculated on the timing. They along with mealy-mouthed Greenspan thought it would take more years for the bubble to expand before it blew up. What they really miscalculated was the greed of the Wall Street Bankers and Brokers. They thought with all those advanced math theoreticians and their wonderful mist blowing algorithms that the bubble would certainly not prematurely blow up in their faces. It seems everyone just plum screwed up in timing the fuse. It turned out to be much, much shorter than any of them expected. It really doesn’t matter because thanks to the Wall Street Bankers and their paid lackeys in Congress, the average US citizen and his children and grandchildren would bear the loses for years while the Wall Street Bankers and their paid lackeys in Congress continue to stuff themselves at the expense of the public purse while the average US citizen suffers with wage stagnation, job loss, food stamps and handouts. This collection of scumbags has essentially drained the American Dream of being a land of opportunity to being nothing more than a run of the mill Medieval Kingdom run by a crippled king and a bunch of knaves. It was good for a lot of folks while it lasted, but the Jamie Dimons, Alan Greesspans, Bubbas and Dubyas of this country have basically emaculated it financially. If poor Everett Dirksen could only see how his statement, “A few billion here, a few billion there and soon we will be talking about some real money.”, has played out-he would spin in his grave. Long, long before Pelosi’s bailout programs, Mr. Paulson & Mr. Bush were already in panic mode because their friends on Wall Street and in the Federal Reserve were frothing from the looming financial losses they were facing. Some of the moronic bankers did not even realize the extent of the problem. Mr. Paulson had to call them all to a meeting and cram billions of dollars down their throats to help save their banks because the bankers did not have a clue about the size of the looming economic collapse. Everyone says it was exacerbated because they let Lehman Bros go down the tubes. In reality they should have let all of them go down the tubes including the biggest offender of all, AIG. It certainly was not the fault of the Regulators because the whole derivatives market including the illegal SWAPS were kept away from the Regulators by saying the SWAPS were not Insurance Products when in reality that is exactly what they were. Yes, it would have been much harder to let them all go down the tubes. Yes, it would have been another Depression, but at least the Bankruptcy Laws could have done what they were designed to do, clean out the garbage from the all the balance sheets. Sell all those overvalued assets at fire sale prices, but at least we would be well on our way to a far more robust recovery. Oh, and Yes, there would have been a great many bodies strewn on Wall Street as a result of all the pin-striped crooks who would have been jumping out of the windows. Then again, that is why the City of New York has a Department of Sanitation – to clean up the garbage that accumulates in the streets. Sorry, Joe, the panic was far along before Pelosi pushed through her ill-designed stimulus programs. Tom
Joe says to Tom
Five points

1. You are missing Plato’s point
2. The regulators (inferior overpaid bureaucrats) didn’t regulate
3. The rating agencies didn’t price the subprime appropriately to reflect underlying risk. Actuaries have been writing derivatives for 200 years. Most insurance, annuity and insured pension products are derivatives. I am an professional expert on derivatives.
4. AIG circumvented the NY State Insurance Commission by working through downstream insurance companies out of the country (in England). AIG executives should have been prosecuted with life sentences.
5. I was fully invested in the market in a big way. Kudlow and others talked nightly about the risks of subprime. All agreed that Paulson had a good plan. Actually many had helped shape the Paulson plan.
6. Madame Pelosi rejected it in favor of big bailouts and spending. And here we are 5 trillion dollars later; not better than we were 6 years ago.
7. The numbers clearly, unequivocally, and ever more clearly show that the financial destruction and panic and knee jerk bank reactions (required by law and precedent) occurred when madame Pelosi rejected Paulson, and began implementing her big government bailout programs.
8. And regardless who is the blame, Obama cannot create jobs. The 8% unemployment number is a fudged number. According to recent Bureau of Labor Statistics, 100 million had jobs when Obama took office. Now only 70 million have jobs. The real unemployment numbers are more like 35% which I have been saying for a long time. All the other arguments are cheap talk by inferior bureaucrats. joe **************************

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Brophy | Saturday 23 June 2012 - 9:07 pm | |

Gary Kovacs: Tracking the Trackers

RiCK | Tuesday 19 June 2012 - 6:26 pm | | Brophy Blog | No comments

Venus Transits The Sun

Screenshots from slooh.com captured by: RiCK

Here are some screenshots I captured with Snagit, from Slooh.com, of Venus transiting The Sun..

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RiCK | Tuesday 19 June 2012 - 1:13 pm | | Brophy Blog | No comments

Venus Transits The Sun

Screenshots from slooh.com captured by: RiCK

Here are some screenshots I captured with Snagit, from Slooh.com, of Venus transiting The Sun..

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RiCK | Tuesday 19 June 2012 - 1:13 pm | |


The Washington Post's Mensa Invitational once again invited readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition.

Here are the winners:

1. Cashtration (n.): The act of buying a house, which renders the subject financially impotent for an indefinite period of time.

2. Ignoranus: A person who's both stupid and an asshole.

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Brophy | Tuesday 19 June 2012 - 09:48 am | | Brophy Blog | No comments


California cities voters embrace pension cuts


SAN DIEGO (AP) — Voters in two major California cities overwhelmingly approved cuts to retirement benefits for city workers in what supporters said was a mandate that may lead to similar ballot initiatives in other states and cities that are struggling with mounting pension obligations.

Supporters had a simple message to voters in San Diego and San Jose: Pensions for city workers are unaffordable and more generous than many private companies offer, forcing libraries to slash hours and potholes to go unfilled.

"The public is frustrated," said San Diego Councilman Carl DeMaio, a Republican who staked his mayoral bid on the pension measure and advanced to a November runoff in Tuesday's election to lead the nation's eighth-largest city.

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Brophy | Tuesday 19 June 2012 - 09:43 am | | Brophy Blog | No comments


Obama and NYT severely criticized Bush for polorization of the USA.  Obama promised to heal.



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RiCK | Tuesday 19 June 2012 - 09:35 am | | Brophy Blog | No comments


Ed Brown's Shop

these are the photos in a larger format. Ed Brown's garage is located near Leechburg PA. Ed's garage is a private collection that is not open to the public at this time. The Kit-Han-Ne Car Club was fortunate to be invited to see it. The pictures that you see on our website were taken by me in May of 2009.

Thanks for looking, Bill...

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Brophy | Tuesday 19 June 2012 - 09:30 am | | Brophy Blog | No comments
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Ed Brown's Shop

these are the photos in a larger format. Ed Brown's garage is located near Leechburg PA. Ed's garage is a private collection that is not open to the public at this time. The Kit-Han-Ne Car Club was fortunate to be invited to see it. The pictures that you see on our website were taken by me in May of 2009.

Thanks for looking, Bill...

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Brophy | Tuesday 19 June 2012 - 09:30 am | |

Skeletons Haunt Senate Hopefuls

There are eight Republicans, three Democrats and two Independents currently running for the U.S. Senate that have bankruptcies, tax liens or criminal convictions in their past.
Thirteen candidates have past bankruptcies or criminal records

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Brophy | Tuesday 19 June 2012 - 09:18 am | | Brophy Blog | No comments

Skeletons Haunt Senate Hopefuls

There are eight Republicans, three Democrats and two Independents currently running for the U.S. Senate that have bankruptcies, tax liens or criminal convictions in their past.
Thirteen candidates have past bankruptcies or criminal records

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Brophy | Tuesday 19 June 2012 - 09:18 am | |

Skeletons Haunt Senate Hopefuls

There are eight Republicans, three Democrats and two Independents currently running for the U.S. Senate that have bankruptcies, tax liens or criminal convictions in their past.
Thirteen candidates have past bankruptcies or criminal records

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Brophy | Tuesday 19 June 2012 - 09:18 am | |


How to easily remove ticks;  it works

TICKS are out in force this spring

take a cotton ball and dab it with rubbing alcohol, and tick will let go and stick to cotton swab, according to my wife, an RN


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Brophy | Wednesday 13 June 2012 - 11:29 am | | Brophy Blog | No comments