Tag overview for: 'agw'
Entries on this site with 'agw'
- Climate slowdown means extreme rates of warming 'not as likely'
Climate slowdown means extreme rates of warming 'not as likely' By Matt McGrath Environment correspondent, BBC News The impacts of rising temperature are being felt pa - NASA Warns: Sun Cycle Changing
he calm before the solar storm? NASA warns 'something unexpected is happening to the Sun' 2013 was due to be year of the 'solar maximum' As this picture shows, in fact the - GLOBAL WARMING - A BALANCED COMMON GROUND ARGUMENT
Occam’s Razor, the Null Hypothesis, and Anthropogenic Global Warming For a sophisticated yet understandable introduction to the global warming debate, it is hard to be - UN ADMITS SOLAR ACTIVITY CAUSE OF GLOBAL WARMING
// Report shows UN admitting solar activity may play significant role in global warming By Maxim Lott , Charles Couger How Green Published February 01, 2013 FoxNews.com - Antarctic Sea Ice Hits Record ... High?
Antarctic Sea Ice Hits Record ... High? Does that mean Earth isn't warming up? Sea ice extent around Antarctica on September 26. Yellow line shows median September sea ice - Global warming stopped 16 years ago
Global warming stopped 16 years ago, reveals Met Office report quietly released... and here is the chart to prove it There is no such thing as global warming; we have - Global Warming Spurs Extreme Weather, Most in US Believe
Enlarge Photo A survey released Oct. 9, 2012, … The majority of Americans think global warming is not only affecting weather but is also worsening extreme weather events , - Climate Solution: Pay True Cost of Fossil Fuels, NASA Scientist Says
prominent james hansen, nasa, is a known activist. as head of nasa he should back off. he is known to have published two global warming reports that compared incomparabl - Anthropogenic Methane Traced Back 2,000 Years
of course we have had methane traces back 2000 years; when we started heading cows; not carbon, but cows joe RELATED ARTICLES Global methane levels on the rise again - Antarctic Sea Ice Sets Another Record
91% OF WORLD ICE IS IN ANTARTICA. 321 comments, 34 called-out + Comment now Antarctic Iceberg (Photo credit: NOAA's National Ocean Service) Antarctic sea ice set another - LaMalfa's Comments
This is a very intereting article on global warming by a whacko. he is critical of LaMalfa's comments because he claims scientific consensus on the issue favors man made - Purdue scientists propose to curtail anthropogenic global warming by manufacturing snow in Antarctica
this has to be the silliest notion i have heard in a long time. nobody told these silly scientists that the CO2 have decreased by more than 20% because of private sector - Man-made global warming can't be proven
there are no peer reviewed studies to prove anthropogenic warming there are more than a dozen peer reviewed studies that show the variability of the sun is the culprit - GLOBAL WARMING - NOBEL LAUREATE BLAMES ANTHROPOGENICS
Global Warming: Nobel Prize-Winner Mario Molina Links Recent Extreme Weather With Man-Made Climate Change I LOVE ARTICLEs LIKE THIS. THIS NOBEL CHEMIST ACTIVIST STATES BE - Ancient Tech Helped People Survive Global Warming
This is so paradoxical. Everyone, liberals and skeptics agree that CO2 levels have been increasing. The disagreemnet is whether increased CO2 traps heat. Liberals concu - Climate change and the Tooth Fairy
if anthrogenic global warming is true: then the vast resources and money being put into it are not working. What other outcome should one expect? Posted: 08/06/2012 09: - Predicting Mother Nature
The government of North Carolina is being mocked by believers in anthropogenic global warming because the state’s Democrat governor permitted a controversial legislative b - Activist James Hansen attempts to link global warming to extreme heat waves
Hansen has several times published a HEADLINE with faulty data. He gets the big headline, usually in the nytimes, and then later corrects the data finding which is burrie - NASA: scorching heat is anthropogenic
The head of NASA, James Hansen is a global warming activist and very partial. He believes that POTUS should take unilateral action to combat anthropogenic warming. Here a - Global Warming – Who is in denial?
the politics of consensus; but there is not consensus. RE: August 2, 2012 | Filed under Categories | Posted by David Robertson Every now and then, someone will try to pre - INHOFE WELCOMES SANDERS FLOOR DEBATE ON GLOBAL WARMING
global warming activists are vocal but have not peer reviewed papers. glaciars are melting but water levels are not rising why?? we have global warming on parts of the glo - RADICAL GREENS
In “Eco-Tyranny,” author Brian Sussman sounds a timely and important warning: The radical " greens " are not in retreat. With the defeat of cap-and-trade legislation in 20 - New study dismantles Muller's BEST claims
half the warming trend artificial The new Leroy 2010 classification system of surface weather stations shows that only 20% of stations are adequate (Class 1 plus Class 2). - Data are ammo in climate wars
professor analysis data from beginning of industial age and switches his position, stating now that anthropogenic global warming is real. his data has not been peer revie - IS CO2 CAUSE OF GLOBAL WARMING??
Berkeley Earth Project Says Carbon Dioxide is Cause of Global Warming If one reads the article carefully, one can see that assuming their projection is caused by human act - Greenland Ice Melt: Should We Be Alarmed?
NASA said it was unprecendebted, which means never happened before. But ice core smaples measuring greenland climate for past 10,000 years show that the Greenland Ice Melt - GLOBAL WARMING BY THE NUMBERS
an argument supporting anthropogenic global warming using recent weather patterns but not supported by peer reviewed scientists, pity Bill McKibben's recent piece in R - The unscientific basis of human-caused global warming hypotheses--an update
good discussion and excellent links to 50 top scientists. By Dennis Byrne , Tuesday at 10:45 am It is in the nature of mankind to search for certainty. We need to feel s - Radical Leftist Global Warming 'Heretic Dies
RIP Alexander Cockburn; Radical Leftist Global Warming 'Heretic, He was an extreme left winger but believed vehemtly that Global Warming was a hoax. He also believe that - Global warming: In geoengineering we may trust
a sane approach At least, there is reason to believe in a short-term source for respite, geoengineering, if a feared level of climate change is about. Geoengineering is - GLOBAL WARMING NOT A THREAT
Green ‘drivel’ exposed The godfather of global warming lowers the boom on climate change hysteria: satsm James Lovelock, world-renowned scientist and environmentalist. "I - GLOBAL WARMING REBUTTAL BY SKEPTICS
In the Climate Casino: An Exchange this article warms the cockles of my heart. William Nordhaus, Economics Professor, Yale argues in favor of global warming 16 experts, a - JET LAG and WARM WINTER 2012
Jet Lag: What's Causing One of the Driest, Warmest Winters in History? The jet stream controls winter weather, but strange forces are controlling the jet stream this sea - GLOBAL WARMING - NO NEED TO PANIC SAY 16 PROMINENT SCIENTISTS
No Need to Panic About Global Warming There's no compelling scientific argument for drastic action to 'decarbonize' the world's economy. Sadly, the humdrum of man-made glo - WE ARE ENTERING A MINI ICE AGE
Forget global warming - it's Cycle 25 we need to worry about (and if NASA scientists are right the Thames will be freezing over again) Met Office releases new figures wh - No Need To Freak Over Anthropogenic Global Warming
16 Concerned Scientists: Chill Out, No Need To Freak Over Anthropogenic Global Warming Why? Because “There’s no compelling scientific argument for drastic action to ‘decar - Global Cooling - Niagra Falls 1911
GLOBAL WARMING IS OVER, SAYS EXPERT Professors Judith Curry and Richard Muller don’t agree over the same set of results on climate chang Tuesday November 1,2011 IT'S one
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