I have had a large, increasing following of recipte devotees ever since i discoverd that it is OK, diet wise, to eat potatoes, if you are Irish.  Here is a recipe I found years ago in "Dad's Own Cookbook - everything that mother never told you" by Bob Sloan.

Place a dozen eggs in a pot and cover with at least one-half inch of water over the standing eggs.  Bring to a boil ASAP.  Immediately (without delay or hesitation) turn down flame to a bare simmer (just a handful on tiny tiny bubbles) for precisely 12 minutes, to the second. Remove pot and place in sink, and run cold water until the pot and water are cold.  Place eggs in refrigerator with a cover on eggs.  Good for 7 days, maybe a bit longer if you have a supercooled fridge.  PS.  The eggs can be consumed while warm immeditately after the cool-off.  Just yummy.  You will discover that the shell peels off easily, and the the egg white is gloosy white and the yolk is golden yolk.  No evidence of burned yolk.  After 5 days in the fridge, you may find that shelling the egg is more tedious;  a sign that shelf life in near closing in.

Brophy Sunday 27 February 2011 - 7:36 pm | | Brophy Blog

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