Tag overview for: 'united'

Entries on this site with 'united'

    [WORK IN PROGRESS]    the purposes of this project is to ascertain where your contributions go;  what percentage goes to charity, and what percentage sticks to the adminis
  • Kearsarge Marines Logo
      Our next scheduled event is our annual luncheon at noon, on Saturday, November 10,  2012, (the date is not firm) at the Lake Sunapee Country Club, New London, NH.  You w

Related tags

annual_luncheon, bayonet, bayonett, bayonnett, beaches, corp, corps, country_club, craft, halls, iwo, jima, kearsarge, kearsarge_marines, lake_sunapee, landing, landing_craft, logo, marine, marines, montezuma, navy, nets, okinawa, rigle, semper_fi, semperfi, siapan, states, taiwan, tripoli, u.s.m.c., usmc, wwii

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