Tag overview for: 'tea'

Entries on this site with 'tea'

  • Obama's Job Approval Drops Below Carter's
    WHAT IS THE SCIENCE BEHIND POLLS work in progress:  do these polls mean anything? November 29, 2011 RSS Feed Print President Obama's slow ride down Gallup's daily presiden
  • TEA PARTY vs OWS - wow!!
    TEA PARTY vs OCCUPIERS: OCCUPY WALL STREET The OWC movement sounded like a good idea at the outset;  but now they look like disgruntled people On the other hand, my negati
    September 16, 2011 6:30 PM Print Text Obama's approval rating drops to all-time low; Public split on jobs plan By Kevin Hechtkopf Topics Polling , White House , Campaign 2

Related tags

2008, 2012, act, aja, american, approval, bachmann, blame, blame_game, bloehner, campaign, cbs, cbs_news, clinton, congress, conservatives, cut, democrats, direction, direction_of_economy, economy, gop, hillary, house, house_seat, hunsman, job, job_performance, jobs, jobs_reports, liberals, obama, palin, party, paul, payroll, payroll_tax_cut, performance, perry, poll, polling, polls, president_obama, public, rating, republicans, rich, romney, ron_paul, tax, tax_cut, tax_the_rich, tea_party, u.s., us, wh, white, white_house, wrong_track

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