| Friday 14 February 2025 - 05:21 am | |


Notes on Colin Powell:


David Rubenstein, founder of the Carlyle Group ($174b in assets), hosts the Sunday morning TV show:  Peer to Peer Interview on Bloomberg News. He interviewed Colin Powell on 12/3/2017.


It was a clarifying interview, since Powell is usually misquoted, taken out of context.  and certainly mischaracterized by the fake news media.  My take-aways: 

  1. Powell is a New Yorker, right out of Harlem [not too far from Ascension Parish]
  2. Powell is glib, with a good sense of humor; and likes to dabble in Yiddish.
  3. Graduates CCNY, Geology, “c” student; ROTC
  4. He speaks in very simple terms, and very clearly
  5. He is humble
  6. As per WMD: everyone, both democrats and republicans, bought into the CIA assessment that Saddam had WMD
  7. As per the Invasion:  it was the correct decision
  8. As per the execution: disastrous. Two major mistakes:  1. Not to include the Baathists in planning the new government; 2. Failure to use adequate US Army ground forces.
  9. In hindsight, was the invasion a mistake? Iraq is a democracy and it is working.  If it continues in this direction, then the long-term view will favor the invasion.
  10. He did not run for President because he is a moderate Republican, and the conservatives were against him.
  11. He agreed to serve as Secretary of State because he liked GHBush who was a moderate.
  12. He did not invent the Powell Doctrine, and he does not ascribe to Overwhelming-Force, but rather Decisive-Force. 

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Brophy | Monday 11 December 2017 - 4:59 pm | | Brophy Blog, Kearsarge Marines | No comments


Hat, cattle, barrels. What's it all mean?


Many credit Plato for bringing "empty barrel" into the vernacular: "An empty vessel makes the loudest sound, so they that have the least wit are the greatest babblers." Some believe the proverb truly has Jamaican origins, while others credit it as Spanish. A book of world proverbs gives 21 variations of the expression.  

Shakespeare channeled Plato in Henry V, writing, "I never heard so loud a voice issue from such an empty heart. It's true what they say, the empty vessel makes the greatest sound." 

Like many old phrases, there are few clear answers but many variations and sources. On Friday, Wilson suggested that the phrase was racist, and many critics of Kelly have noted a pattern within the Trump administration to demean minority lawmakers.

It does appear Kelly was suggesting the Platonic usage—that Wilson is a loudmouth—given he used the term in an inaccurate reference to Wilson bragging about securing funding for an FBI memorial building. Kelly said Wilson "stood up, and in a long tradition of empty barrels making the most noise, stood up there in all of that and talked about how she was instrumental in getting the funding for that building." 

Kelly repeated at the end of his comments that "even for someone that is that empty a barrel, we were stunned."

It's not the first time Kelly has used the phrase. In September, he attributed the quote "empty barrels make the most noise" to his "blessed mother" after Illinois Democrat Representative Luis Gutiérrez called him a "disgrace to the uniform" for supporting the end of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

Kelly told Fox News he used the phrase to eloquently "call people liars."

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Brophy | Wednesday 25 October 2017 - 12:12 am | | Brophy Blog, Kearsarge Marines | One comment